Whitley Goodman word for word statement:
Source AG files
Saturday, the 22nd, also the day Christian left out for work at 5 AM, that night I went to a Mardi Gras party with my family. He stopped talking to me starting at 1 the day he left for two more days. He has always had trust issues and when I eventually got in touch with him he said he would rather me be at home missing him and didn’t want me going out from past issues we had without him. I contemplated breaking up with him and tried to convince myself we could work things out, because a relationship without trust isn’t a relationship and we tried for so long to build up trust and be normal but I love him. Last night, the 25th, he said he was coming home and quitting his job. I told him we could talk it out and there were some things we needed to work on before we could move on with our relationship. Today he came home and early he wanted to take ride with me. We went to Bonita and he just said he felt like between me and his mom he couldn’t make anyone happy. I said laid down with my dog in our bedroom and Dylan, the guy who picked him up from work, woke me up. I went upstairs and found the love of my life face down swooshed up into a puddle of blood.
Let’s dissect Whitley’s statement:
The purpose of Whitley’s statement was to find out what happened that day. Whitley doesn’t start with that days events instead she goes back 4 days to when Christian left for his 30-day hitch. – Why did Whitley go back this far? Was she setting the stage? She talks about his trust issues and how she contemplated breaking up with him. – We know based on texts and other people who had conversations with Christian that he was kicking her out. – She claims she wanted to work it out but a relationship that doesn’t have trust isn’t a relationship. – Why would she say this when she was the one who wasn’t trust worthy? She goes on to say she loves him, again implying she wasn’t the “issue” in their relationship.
She jumps to the night before Christian was murdered. She claims that Christian was quitting his job and coming home. – Why would she claim this but call Matt Miller the next morning 30 minutes before Christian got home and ask him to come get her because Christian was kicking her out?
Again, she talks about how she told him they needed to “talk” as if again he was the “issue” in their relationship and not her.
She offers no timeline in her statement. She claims Christian came home early, what is early? According to the timeline Christian was home about 11:30.She claims he wanted to take a ride to Bonita. – Bonita was within walking distance. Also note she offers no timeframe and neglects to mention the argument Dylan claimed happened in his statement.
She jumps to being back home and going to sleep with her dog, again offers no timeline. She refers to Dylan as “that guy who picked him up from work” – why is she distancing herself from Dylan, a person she has known and been close to for years?
She claims Dylan woke her up and she went upstairs and found the love of her life face down and swooshed up into a puddle of blood.
How did Whitley know to run upstairs? She just says Dylan woke her up, she doesn’t say he told her anything other than waking her up. In Dylan’s statement he doesn’t say he tells her where Christian was, just that he was dead and they needed to call 911.
Whitley sets the stage by backing up a few days and discussing the lead up to Christian coming home.
Whitley’s details make it seem like Christian was the issue in their relationship and she was thinking of leaving him, but her text to Matt before Christian gets home says Christian was kicking her out.
Whitley knows exactly where to find Christian even though according to statements Dylan didn’t tell her where he was.
Side note: Whitley used the word “swooshed” – I find that an interesting word to use.
Estimated Time Line:
based on statements and phone records
1:37 am Christian calls Dylan asking for him to pick him up
3:45-4:45 am Dylan leaves to pick Christian up
4:16 am Dylan is in Meridian according to gas station receipt
4:57 am Dylan tweets: Meridian to New Orleans to Vicksburg and back to Meridian all before lunch. (we know they didn’t go to Vicksburg)
4:59 am Dylan calls Whitley
5:03 am Dylan calls Whitley
7:43 am Christian calls his mom
8:00 am Christian is picked up by Dylan
11:23 am Christian and Dylan get home
11:43 am Whitley texted Matt Miller from a burner phone, asking him to come get her because Christian is kicking her out.
12:00 – 12:30 pm neighbor hears gunshot
12:00 pm Dylan leaves apartment to get Chic-Fil-A and tries to take Christians money out.
12:27 pm Dylan calls Brett Kennedy (works at bank- had him on the phone for 9 minutes)
12:29 pm Dylan on surveillance at the bank
12:36 pm Dylan texts Christian’s phone
12:37 pm Dylan receives a text from Christian’s phone
12:37 pm Dylan calls his mom
12:39 pm Dylan receives a text from Christian’s phone
12:40 pm Dylan calls Christian’s phone
12:43 pm Dylan texts Christian’s phone
12:55 pm Dylan calls Brett Kennedy again
1:06 pm Dylan is at Chic-Fil-A (receipt)
1:12 pm Brett Kennedy calls Dylan
1:19 pm Dylan calls Brett Kennedy
1:23 pm Brett Kennedy calls Dylan
1:32 pm call from Christian’s phone to Matt Miller
1:32-3:21 pm no phone activity
3:21 pm Brett Kennedy calls Dylan
3:44 pm 2 calls to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:45 pm 2 calls to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:46 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:47 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:49 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:50 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
4:15 pm neighbor sees truck parked and running
4:44 pm Dylan calls 911
4:48 pm 2 calls to Whitley’s mother from Dylan’s phone
4:49 pm call to Whitley’s aunt from Dylan’s phone
4:50 pm 1 call to Dylan’s mom from Christian’s phone
4:51 pm call to friend of Christian from Christian’s phone
4:52 pm call from Dylan’s mom to Christian’s phone
4:55 pm call from Dylan’s mom to Christian’s phone
5:04 pm Officers arrive on scene
5:11 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
5:36 pm Brett Kennedy calls Dylan
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