Sleuth Syndicate

Dylan Swearingen Statement

  • Posted by: Sleuth Syndicate
  • Category: Christian Andreacchio, Facebook Thread, Murdered

Dylan Swearingen word for word statement:
Source AG files

“Picking him up”

Christian called me at 1:37 am asking if I was able to come pick him up St. Rose, Louisiana at a docking bay that his barge had stopped. I told him yes that I could pick him up. He told me that I needed to be there between 7:45-8 am. I left my home at 3:45-4:00am on my way to get him. We exchanged a few phone calls just to touch base and he would ask me where I was or how far from the landing area. After a couple hours or so, I finally reached the destination that he was at. I called him when I arrived and he said give him a few moment. He came down the hill where I was park and removed his blue jumpsuit he wore for his work. He said he had left without permission and security of the place along with the sheriff were alerted but he decided to leave, I have no conclusion on whether he was able to leave or if just left by self choice.

“The ride back to Meridian”

After we left the destination I picked him up at, we talked like we always have. Nothing was out of the ordinary. We stopped at a gas station and got us some drinks and he filled my truck up for coming to get him. As we pulled out and got back on the interstate, he began to tell me that him and Whitley were having relationship issues. The issues were regarding another boy hanging out with Whitley while he was gone and he then told me this was the reason for him coming home. Then we continued our route to Meridian, just talking and listening to the radio.

“Arriving at his apartment”

We pulled into the apartment complex that he was living at. He noticed the BMW he bought for Whitley was there and he walked in. He began asking her where she had been because they have a tracker on each other’s phones. She spent the night at the boy’s house that Christian earlier mentioned. His name is Matt Miller. After asking her multiple questions regarding what she had done, she mentioned the usage of Xanax, she was not sure of some of the activities they participated. He blamed Xanax for her not knowing. I stayed upstairs a majority of the time due to I didn’t want to interfere with their argument. I stuck my head over the stairs one moment and heard him saying over and over “Do you love me?” After a few times of asking he pulled his gun out and cocked it and stuck it to his head and asked again “do you love me?” She said yes and tried to grab the gun away from him. After awhile things calmed down and we watched a movie.

“Leaving the first/second time”

I asked him if he wanted me to go get some food and give them a moment alone. He gave me his debit card and said get some Chic-Fil-A and to “take all of his money out of his account.” I asked him was he sure and he replied “yes.”
He also broke her phone in an earlier argument. I told him I would take the phone and see if they could fix it. I got the food and he provided me with the banking information but they said he as the account holder would have to withdrawal the money. I came back and everything was fine. We watched another movie. I noticed they were leaving and I said “where are yall going?” he replied “to take a little ride.” I fell asleep and woke up around 2 hours later. Whitley was asleep and Christian was sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette. He acted normal and I said “I’m about to go to Best Buy and look at speakers, do you need anything while I’m out?” he replied no. At an earlier time after I saw him point the gun to his head, I took the gun from him and placed it behind the curtains because he was acting very aggressive. As I left I told him I hid it due to his actions and I gave it back and told him “unload it and please don’t touch it.” As I left, I made it to Best Buy and talked to the car audio technician.

“ Arriving back from Best Buy”

As I walked in I noticed he wasn’t on the couch and I walked around the apartment calling him and got no answer. I walked up the stairs and noticed the bathroom light was on so I figured he was taking a shower. I knocked and said “are you alright?” Still no answer so I walked downstairs. And walked into the room that Whitley was sleeping in. I told her he didn’t answer me and that we need to check on him she went back to sleep and I walked back upstairs and knocked once more. I asked aloud again “Christian? Are you okay?” he didn’t reply so I opened the door and I saw Christian laying face down across the tub with blood in it. I yelled “Whitley, Christian is dead we have to call 911” and she screamed and ran upstairs and began holding him. I then called 911 and directed them to the apartment and the police arrived and then took control of the scene and asked us to sit in the living room.

Let’s dissect Dylan’s statement:

Dylan breaks everything up and appears to be detailed however his statement doesn’t fit the timeline. Why does Dylan tweet about going to Vicksburg? Is he setting the stage for why Christian’s Jeep was moved and items missing? Did this get forgotten about?

Dylan claims to be oblivious to Christian and Whitley’s “issues” as he claims Christian tells him on the way home. – Why did Dylan call Whitley when he was on his way to pick up Christian?

Dylan claims the moment they arrive home Christian starts getting aggressive with Whitley. Why didn’t Whitley mention any of this?

Dylan more than one time backtracks in his statement to add something he forgot, why when he’s so detailed?

Dylan claims he was upstairs when Christian supposedly put a gun to his head and asked Whitley over and over “Do you love me?” He claims that Whitley tried to grab the gun – sometimes the truth is hidden in the lies – was Dylan downstairs and Whitley and Christian upstairs? Was it really Whitley with the gun and did she shoot Christian?

Dylan claims that right after a very heated moment things calmed down and they watched a movie. – How could they watch a movie when according to the timeline Dylan was leaving the house about noon to take out money and get food?

Now according to the timeline it should be about 1:15 and Dylan is back with Chic-Fil-A, he claims they watch another movie at this time.

Things get muddy here Dylan also doesn’t offer a timeline but claims that this is when Whitley and Christian “take a ride (Bonita). He claims he fell asleep for about 2 hours. He claims when he woke Christian was there and Whitley was asleep. He backtracks again here and in his statement mentions earlier he hid the gun but gave it back to Christian at this point and told him to unload it and don’t touch it. (Setting the stage).

Dylan claims he made it to Best Buy and talked to a technician.

When Dylan returns he claims he looked for Christian, why? He claims after wondering the small apartment he went upstairs and noticed the light on in the bathroom. He claims he called out to Christian. – Why, would he call out? Wouldn’t he just think he is showering or going to the bathroom and would be out soon? Why the immediate worry? He claims he went down to Whitley and told her Christian wasn’t answering him and they needed to check on him, he claims Whitley went back to sleep. – Why would she go back to sleep? He claims he went back up called out again and with no answer he entered the bathroom and found Christian. He claims he called out for Whitley that Christian was dead and they needed to call 911. He claims Whitley came running upstairs and was hugging Christian. How did she know where to go? Dylan didn’t say where he was and she was so sleepy.

Estimated Time Line:
based on statements and phone records

1:37 am Christian calls Dylan asking for him to pick him up
3:45-4:45 am Dylan leaves to pick Christian up
4:16 am Dylan is in Meridian according to gas station receipt
4:57 am Dylan tweets: Meridian to New Orleans to Vicksburg and back to Meridian all before lunch. (we know they didn’t go to Vicksburg)
4:59 am Dylan calls Whitley
5:03 am Dylan calls Whitley
7:43 am Christian calls his mom
8:00 am Christian is picked up by Dylan

11:23 am Christian and Dylan get home

11:43 am Whitley texted Matt Miller from a burner phone, asking him to come get her because Christian is kicking her out.

12:00 – 12:30 pm neighbor hears gunshot
12:00 pm Dylan leaves apartment to get Chic-Fil-A and tries to take Christians money out.
12:27 pm Dylan calls Brett Kennedy (works at bank- has him on the phone for 9 minutes)
12:29 pm Dylan on surveillance at the bank
12:36 pm Dylan texts Christian’s phone
12:37 pm Dylan receives a text from Christian’s phone
12:37 pm Dylan calls his mom
12:39 pm Dylan receives a text from Christian’s phone
12:40 pm Dylan calls Christian’s phone
12:43 pm Dylan texts Christian’s phone
12:55 pm Dylan calls Brett Kennedy again
1:06 pm Dylan is at Chic-Fil-A (receipt)
1:12 pm Brett Kennedy calls Dylan
1:19 pm Dylan calls Brett Kennedy
1:23 pm Brett Kennedy calls Dylan
1:32 pm call from Christian’s phone to Matt Miller

1:32-3:21 pm no phone activity
3:21 pm Brett Kennedy calls Dylan
3:44 pm 2 calls to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:45 pm 2 calls to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:46 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:47 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:49 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
3:50 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
4:15 pm neighbor sees truck parked and running
4:44 pm Dylan calls 911
4:48 pm 2 calls to Whitley’s mother from Dylan’s phone
4:49 pm call to Whitley’s aunt from Dylan’s phone
4:50 pm 1 call to Dylan’s mom from Christian’s phone
4:51 pm call to friend of Christian from Christian’s phone
4:52 pm call from Dylan’s mom to Christian’s phone
4:55 pm call from Dylan’s mom to Christian’s phone
5:04 pm Officers arrive on scene
5:11 pm 1 call to Matt Miller from Christian’s phone
5:36 pm Brett Kennedy calls Dylan

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Author: Sleuth Syndicate